Safeguard Soap Door-to-Door Activation

Client Name

ICL Brands Pvt Limited






Western Province & Southern Province, Sri Lanka




The brand Safeguard was relaunched with a significant challenge: its outlet reach was very low, and there was no media budget available. Competing against established brands like Dettol and Lifebuoy in a highly competitive market, Safeguard needed a strategic approach to secure its market share. Additionally, the economic recession had led to reduced consumer spending while the price of an average soap had increased. As an antibacterial soap, Safeguard had to navigate these obstacles to reestablish itself in the market.

Client Brief

The goal was to craft an activation mechanism that was budget-friendly and capable of delivering tangible results. Key objectives included increasing product awareness, expanding outlet reach, and generating sales, all within a very limited budget.

Strategy & Execution:

The Safeguard Soap Door-to-Door Activation campaign focused on a Door-to-Door (D2D) direct marketing approach. Two teams of six-person promoters were deployed in the Western and Southern Provinces due to their high population density, promising higher reach. The campaign ran for three months, featuring a "Buy Two, Get One Free" promotion.

Promoters were tasked with visiting households, briefing customers on the product benefits, and convincing them to purchase using the promotional offer. They also collected customer data for future remarketing efforts. Concurrently, the two supervisors were responsible for generating daily reports on Safeguard soap availability in nearby retail shops, with a minimum of 10 outlets per day.

To drive results, the team was offered target-based incentives. The operation covered 150 activation days (3 months for each province), distributed across the Western Province & Southern Province.

Outlets where the product was unavailable were identified through the availability reports. This information was relayed to the client to ensure the sales team could address these gaps and create product availability.


The activation resulted in a 3% increase in market share in the operated districts after one month of the campaign. Revenue from direct sales reached LKR 3.2 million per month, with the total cost of the activation amounting to LKR 3.4 million. Daily reports on product availability ensured retail presence was addressed promptly, expanding Safeguard's reach to over 300 outlets. This enabled an immediate 40% ROI, with a gross profit of LKR 1.2 million. Additionally, the campaign expanded the retailer list to 600+ outlets, contributing to a sustained 3% market share growth over three months.

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